

The Catechism is broken into four sections. It starts with the Creed, which is the backbone, the skeleton of the deposit of faith. Then we have the Sacraments, the nervous system, the way that we experience God. Add to that Morality, the muscles we need to be strong enough to live a holy life. But it all comes together in Prayer, the life blood we need to have a relationship with God.

Put them all together, and we have a living person- Jesus Christ, the image of the invisible God and the goal of all catechesis. The more we know about Him, the more we’re able to love Him and be like Him.

Holy Water

When a “voice from above” asks a teenage boy why he blesses himself with holy water as he enters the chapel in his local parish, the teen responds, “Isn’t that what you are supposed to do when you enter a church?” The “voice” then takes him on a journey into his past and future to see exactly what this water means to him.

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